What is MyWai
Nau mai, haere mai! MyWai is a new digital tool developed in Tai Tokerau that can be used either as an app or on a web browser. MyWai lets people partner and connect with their health and hauora team, include their whānau (if they want to!), see what is happening, what the plan is and what the next steps are in a way that is simple, easy and happens in real time. MyWai was made by whānau, for whānau.

How does MyWai work?
MyWai is a digital tool that connects people in Real time to their information.
How does MyWai work?
MyWai is a digital tool that connects people, whānau and service providers in real time to information so everyone involved in caring for a person, especially the person themselves, has what they need to support a ‘joined up’ health and hauora journey. Think of MyWai as the ‘connection’ between the goals we have as whānau and individuals and the various people, services and places we need to visit to support and achieve those goals.
In the past as whānau we are used to simply viewing certain information. In the MyWai space, there is a lot more view AND do, including:
Being able to see who has accessed your records
What appointments you have coming up
Connect with your team directly
Hopes and Goals
You can even write your own notes and create your own record of your hopes and goals
Whānau Support
Include your own whānau / support network
All the notes written about you
At this stage Te Ara Oranga Mid North (Methamphetamine Harm Reduction) is the first service to use MyWai but we plan to include many more services and whānau across Tai Tokerau and then the entire Northern Region (which includes Waitemata, Auckland and Counties Manukau.)
Important Information
Why MyWai - Our Purpose
Our purpose is simple – we aim to connect our community to relevant, accessible health solutions. We endeavour to enhance whānau and individual’s ability to navigate their own journeys towards increased well-being, by joining up the tools, resources and team members needed to manage care in a way that is simple, effective and culturally responsive. We recognise that our whānau relationships are often our reason for seeking better wellbeing. In other words, MyWai supports ‘my why.’
MyWai And Your Privacy
At MyWai, we appreciate your trust in us as kaitiaki (guardians) of your data, it is a taonga and it’s a responsibility we take seriously. Because of this, we’ve created robust measures to protect your personal information and maintain the confidentiality of your health records.
Please visit our Privacy Policy page for a detailed overview of our privacy practices and how we safeguard your information.
Together, let’s journey towards greater well-being, guided by our shared whakapapa and united in our purpose. Kia kaha, stay strong!
Privacy Statement
Te Ara Oranga uses the MyWai system to collect and manage information that we need to support you and your whānau. MyWai is:
- Used to connect people, their whānau, and community health services.
- Accessible to people, their whānau, and community health services regardless of the care setting.
- A place where information follows the person, and care providers contribute to the same record.
- Where people with complex needs can manage their care through the MyWai app or website.
- Delivered and managed by Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand.
What personal information we collect, and why
We may collect the following personal information from you:
- Your core information: name, contact details, your unique health number (known as the National Health Index or NHI), and ethnicity. We need this information to deliver our services to you and understand which communities use them.
- Meth harm:Information about your health as it relates meth harm, such as withdrawal symptoms. This is needed so we can understand how best to support you.
- Appointments:Information to support appointments and referrals with other people and organisations involved in your care.
- Other health issues:Health issues and assessments related to meth use that you may be experiencing. This may include risks to you or to others. This helps our people understand other areas of your wellbeing and can help us understand more about your care plan and ensure you have relevant support you may need.
- Whānau relationships:if you want whānau members, or other people you trust, to have some level of access to your health information, you can record this as part of your information.
- Other Contacts:Important relationships that we may need to know as part of your work with us.
- Your Journey:Your goals and targets that are part of your care plan.
- Care/Treatment Plans:More specific care plans, such as treatment and recovery plans that focus around what is important to you as a person. These capture more detailed steps to deliver care or to effect treatment in specific areas.
- Transfer of care:information that may be useful to other people/organisations you work with over the longer term, so that they can provide good continuity of care for you.
- Your Consent:We are responsible for helping you understand how we use your information. We’ll keep a note that we’ve talked to you, and that you’re happy with this privacy statement. You can talk to us at any time to understand more about what happens with your information.
Mandatory or voluntary?
We won’t ask for information unless we need it to help you, or to keep you or others safe. If there’s information you’d prefer not to provide, please talk to us about it. We will always respect the choices you want to make, and work with you to figure out a way forward.
Other ways that we use your personal information
Your information is also entered into the ‘Jade Community Care’ system and flows through to the Jade data warehouse. This is so that, for example, care providers, such as doctors, nurses and multi-disciplinary team members looking after you, if they need to, use this information when they are involved in your care for other reasons.
Your information is also provided to the national ‘Primary Mental Health Database’ (PRIMHD), which is used to understand how mental health services are working. This leaflet provides more information: https://www.health.govt.nz/system/files/documents/publications/hp7310-primhd-dl-v6-web.pdf
Who can access your information?
Only your care team members will have access to all of your information, and MyWai shows you a record of any changes to your team. Outside of your team, people will only see basic personal information, and only if they’re asked to progress your care in some way (arrange an appointment or assessment or requesting another service which may be able to help you, etc). You can use the mobile app, or ask us, to request a record of who has accessed your information in MyWai.
Sharing your information
Information from MyWai will sometimes be shared with other people, such as your doctor, or when we agree to involve someone else in your care outside of Te Ara Oranga’s care team. We will only share your information in this way with your permission.
How long we hold your information
We only keep your personal information for as long as required for the reasons outlined in this privacy statement and in accordance with the law (for example the Health Retention of Health Information Regulations 1996).
Storing your information securely
We take reasonable steps to ensure your personal information is protected against loss, unauthorised access, use, modification, disclosure, or other misuse.
Access to and requests to correct your information
You have the right to access any information we hold about you and ask us to correct it if you think it is wrong. MyWai also has a mobile app, or website, you can use to access your information directly.
To access any personal information held by us, or if you wish to correct your information, you can:
- Use the mobile app to view your information, and communicate with your care team if there is anything you’d like corrected.
- If you don’t have the app you can email us at records@northlanddhb.org.nz.
If you email us, please include: your name, contact address (email or postal), contact phone number, details of the information you want or want to correct.
Before we can help you with your request we need to be confident about your identity. To do so, we may need to ask further questions or to view identification to establish your identity.
Requesting information on behalf of someone else
If you are requesting information on behalf of someone else, you will need to provide their authorisation or other documentation to support that you have the right to do so.
Queries and concerns about your information
If you have any queries or concerns about how your personal information has been managed, please contact us to see if we can resolve the problem. You can:
- Email us at hnzprivacy@health.govt.nz; or
- Write to us at Privacy Officer – Te Whatu Ora, PO Box 793, Wellington 6140, New Zealand
If you’re not satisfied with our response to your concerns, you can contact the Office of the Privacy Commissioner. For more information see the Office of the Privacy Commissioner website here: https://www.privacy.org.nz/your-rights/making-a-complaint/.
Terms and Conditions
This would be another page after the privacy statement on the Te Whatu Ora – Te Tai Tokerau website
If you choose to use MyWai you will need to accept some terms of use – these form an agreement between you and Te Whatu Ora – Health New Zealand.
What you are agreeing to
By registering with MyWai, you understand and agree that:
- your age must be 16 years and above to use MyWai. For younger people between 12-16 we may still be able to give you access to MyWai. Please talk to your care provider when you meet with them in person.
- on registering with MyWai, you choose to use My Health Account as your login provider, then the terms of use for My Health Account (except to the extent that they conflict with these terms of use) will also apply to you – you can access those when you register for a My Health Account.
- if you register using My Health Account, then you consent to us using your validated My Health Account and the personally identifiable information associated with it, to ensure that the information matches.
- by entering information into MyWai, you are confirming that the information you enter is true and correct
- to enter information on behalf of someone else, you must have the legal authority to do so, or have obtained permission of the person concerned
- information you enter into MyWai is viewable by those involved in your care, and they may discuss this information with you as part of their communications with you.
- you must not use MyWai to abuse, harass, threaten, intimidate another person or to transmit offensive or prohibited content or materials.
Your My Health Account login and/or your MyWai login is valuable and confidential. It authenticates your online identity so you can use MyWai. You must take good care of the login details you create (email address and password) and keep them secure. You agree to:
- notify the MyWai Team on 0800 4MYWAI (0800 463384) immediately if you know, or have reason to believe, that there has been or is potential for fraudulent or other unlawful use of your login.
- immediately change your password and notify the MyWai Team on 0800 4MYWAI (0800 463384) if you believe the security of your password has been compromised or if you are aware of any unauthorised use of your My Health Account login.
Anyone who knowingly accesses or uses, or attempts to access or use, MyWai for an unlawful purpose may be liable to prosecution under New Zealand law. This includes:
- fraud or attempted fraud or hacking or attempted hacking or seeking information on behalf of another person without legal authority or their permission or identity theft,
- entering information on behalf of another person without legal authority or their permission.
If you would like support using MyWai, email mywai@healthalliance.co.nz
Except where we have an explicit legal obligation under New Zealand legislation we disclaim and exclude all liability for any claim, loss, demand, or damages of any kind whatsoever (including negligence) arising out of, or in connection with, the use of either MyWai, or the information, content or materials included on MyWai.
It’s your responsibility to provide accurate information, and we are entitled to rely, without making further inquiry, on information provided by you or any third party you choose to interact with via MyWai.
Continuity of service
We will make reasonable efforts to keep MyWai operational at all times, but we make no warranty or representation, express or implied, as to continuity of the service.
We reserve the right to suspend, terminate, or otherwise alter access to some or all of the services at any time and without notice if we consider that:
- this is necessary to maintain the integrity or security of MyWai or related services; or
- your login is being misused or has otherwise been compromised; or
- you breach these terms; or
- we decide to remove or reduce the services available.
Changes to the terms of use
We may revise these terms of use at any time. Revisions take effect when published to this website.
You must not modify, distribute, alter, tamper with, repair, or otherwise create derivative works of MyWai unless expressly permitted.
You must not reverse engineer, disassemble, or decompile MyWai or apply any other process or procedure to derive the source code of any software included in the Services (except to the extent applicable law doesn’t allow this restriction).
MyWai has been, and will continue to be, subject to independent security audits. If you discover a potential security vulnerability or suspect a security incident related to this service, email to mywai@healthalliance.co.nz or follow the disclosure process on cert.govt.nz(external link).
What can you do to help protect your data?
Although we have a number of security measures in place to protect your data, there are some things you can do as well to protect your information online. The following list includes recommendations to reduce the risk of someone else accessing your information in the MyWai application.
- Choose a strong password
- Try not to reuse passwords
- Turn on two-factor authentication
- Install an antivirus solution and scan for viruses regularly
- Keep your devices and your applications up-to-date
- Avoid sensitive transactions on free wifi
For more information on each of the above recommendations, refer to the CERT NZ web site here – cert.govt.nz(external link).


Te Ara Oranga is about working in a tangible and engaging style with the community and agencies, focusing on delivering a holistic approach to health and policing to produce better outcomes for all.
Copyright © 2023 – Te Ara Oranga