Mana Ake provides early intervention to promote wellbeing and mental health support for our primary and intermediate aged tamariki across Te Tai Tokerau. The aim is to help enhance resilience, wairua, and mana so tamariki are ‘stronger for tomorrow’.
A short introduction that will tell you what you need for your telehealth appointment.
Mana Ake provides a new approach to delivering additional mental health support for children in primary and intermediate schools across the Te Tai Tokerau region. Mana Ake seeks to provide holistic support through:
- Direct support to children experiencing social, emotional, or behavioural challenges
- Clarification of local support pathways, making it easier for schools, teachers, and whānau to access support when and where they need it
- Support for schools to make improvements to the school environment using whole-of-school and classroom wellbeing programmes and wellbeing promotion.
- Service sector improvements by providing greater collaboration across Health, Education, and social sector partners in the provision of support.
Mana Ake is strongly aligned with the recommendations made in He Ara Oranga: Report of the Government Inquiry into Mental Health and Addiction (He Ara Oranga) to better equip teachers, schools, and communities to respond to the wellbeing needs of Tamariki, to support Tamariki to build resilience and coping strategies, and to increase access to early intervention supports.