As part of the site redevelopment plan at Whangarei Hospital, Northland DHB signed off building a new maternity facility that was now in the design phase. Following consultation, a floor plan was developed, which provided for contemporary maternity care. An estimated investment of 9 million dollars will build a facility that will house an integrated and collaborative multi-disciplinary team approach caring for women and their babies.
The Cardiac Care Unit at Whangarei was comprehensively refurbished to provide a much-improved environment for patients and staff. The refurbishment scheme, completed in April 2012, provided patient shower and lavatory facilities and a family room for the first time, along with a dedicated medication area to enhance patient safety.
Project Promise had raised $1.1m by 30 June 2012 of the $3 million for a Cancer Treatment Centre on the Whangarei Hospital campus. This centre would be a one-stop-shop that housed all cancer-related information and services, such as chemotherapy and multi-disciplinary outpatient consultation. It would also provide a venue for education and information for patients, family/whānau, and health professionals.
An upgrading programme for the lifts at Whangarei Hospital commenced with installing a new lift to the helipad. The new lift meant improved reliability and a more comfortable environment for critically ill patients being transferred into and out of Whangarei hospital.