-Information on these pages are supporting to Medical Officers of Health and Technical officers to work on Alcohol Licence Applications.

-Primary Health Enrolment data is used in this document as major data source, which finds more reliable for the purpose.

-The below table showing the population estimates by 2018 census from Stats NZ , Health Service Users (HSU) data by Ministry of Health and Primary Health Organisation Enrolment (PHO) by Ministry of Health gives the difference.

Population Estimates

Stats NZ population estimates total vs HSU and PHO
Group Estimates, 2022 HSU PHO
New Zealand 5,124,100 7,582,203 NA
Northland Region 201,500 166,074 188,657
Far North District 73,800 60,946 60,968
Whangarei District 100,500 82,261 84,607
Kaipara District 27,200 22,867 21,117
NZ Maori 891,500 961,286 NA

Northland Population

Area Māori Pacific Non-Māori Non-Pacific Total Population
Northland 58,524 (35%)* 3,501 (2%)* 104,667 (63%)* 166,692
Far North district 29,471 (48%)* 1,182 (2%)* 30,315 (50%)* 60,968
Kaipara District 4,776 (23%)* 570 (3%)* 15,771 (75%)* 21,117
Whangarei District 24,277 (29%)* 1,749 (2%)* 58,581 (69%)* 84,607

Note- *Row Percentage

Northland Population by Age,Gender and Ethnicity- Population pyramid

Primary Health Organisation Enrolment by Territorial Authourity

Far North District

Population by Age Group and Gender

Population by Age Group and Gender -Table

Far North District
Age.Group Female Male
0-9 1,931 2,014
10-19 2,062 2,175
20-29 1,362 1,333
30-39 1,690 1,561
40-49 1,603 1,390
50-59 2,181 2,057
60-69 2,285 2,222
70-79 1,606 1,665
80+ 725 632

Population by Age Group and Ethnicity

Far North District
Age Group Māori Pacific Non-Māori Non-Pacific Total
0-9 Years 5,505 (70%)* 200 (3%)* 2,188 (28%)* 7,893
10-19 Years 5,428 (65%)* 196 (2%)* 2,755 (33%)* 8,379
20-29 Years 3,526 (65%)* 142 (3%)* 1,767 (33%)* 5,435
30-39 Years 3,444 (54%)* 162 (3%)* 2,825 (44%)* 6,431
40-49 Years 2,827 (47%)* 143 (2%)* 3,108 (51%)* 6,078
50-59 Years 3,559 (43%)* 147 (2%)* 4,623 (56%)* 8,329
60-69 Years 3,147 (34%)* 110 (1%)* 5,880 (64%)* 9,137
70-79 Years 1,536 (23%)* 64 (1%)* 4,994 (76%)* 6,594
80+ Years 499 (19%)* 18 (1%)* 2,175 (81%)* 2,692
Note- *Row Percentage

Kaipara District

Population by Age Group and Gender

Population by Age Group and Gender -Table

Far North District
Age.Group Female Male
0-9 630 617
10-19 580 675
20-29 428 468
30-39 599 582
40-49 589 566
50-59 704 640
60-69 855 814
70-79 650 673
80+ 266 251

Population by Age Group and Ethnicity

kaipara District
Age Group Māori Pacific Non-Māori Non-Pacific Total
0-9 Years 1,029 (40%)* 99 (4%)* 1,422 (56%)* 2,550
10-19 Years 881 (36%)* 104 (4%)* 1,481 (60%)* 2,466
20-29 Years 589 (34%)* 58 (3%)* 1,073 (62%)* 1,720
30-39 Years 532 (23%)* 95 (4%)* 1,709 (73%)* 2,336
40-49 Years 481 (22%)* 68 (3%)* 1,687 (75%)* 2,236
50-59 Years 503 (18%)* 65 (2%)* 2,246 (80%)* 2,814
60-69 Years 465 (14%)* 43 (1%)* 2,777 (85%)* 3,285
70-79 Years 232 (9%)* 32 (1%)* 2,410 (90%)* 2,674
80+ Years 64 (6%)* 6 (1%)* 966 (93%)* 1,036
Note- *Row Percentage

Whangarei District

Population by Age Group and Gender

Population by Age Group and Gender -Table

Far North District
Age.Group Female Male
0-9 2,673 2,716
10-19 2,783 2,933
20-29 2,077 1,901
30-39 2,621 2,388
40-49 2,433 2,089
50-59 2,858 2,691
60-69 2,832 2,744
70-79 2,160 2,047
80+ 1,265 980

Population by Age Group and Ethnicity

Whangarei District
Age Group Māori Pacific Non-Māori Non-Pacific Total
0-9 Years 5,028 (46%)* 314 (3%)* 5,475 (51%)* 10,817
10-19 Years 4,821 (42%)* 294 (3%)* 6,307 (55%)* 11,422
20-29 Years 3,105 (39%)* 192 (2%)* 4,592 (58%)* 7,889
30-39 Years 3,091 (30%)* 301 (3%)* 6,794 (67%)* 10,186
40-49 Years 2,426 (26%)* 212 (2%)* 6,555 (71%)* 9,193
50-59 Years 2,564 (23%)* 205 (2%)* 8,245 (75%)* 11,014
60-69 Years 2,054 (18%)* 129 (1%)* 8,951 (80%)* 11,134
70-79 Years 900 (11%)* 78 (1%)* 7,517 (88%)* 8,495
80+ Years 288 (6%)* 24 (1%)* 4,145 (93%)* 4,457
Note- *Row Percentage

Northland Deprivation Map

  • The NZDep* is an area-based measure of socioeconomic deprivation in Aotearoa New Zealand . It measures the level of deprivation for people in each small area. It is based on nine Census variables. NZDep is displayed as deciles. Each NZDep decile contains about 10% of small areas in New Zealand.

-Decile 1 represents areas with the least deprived scores -Decile 10 represents areas with the most deprived scores

This figure shows NZDep2018 deciles at SA2 level. Click on SA2 areas to get population data.

Data source -*http://www.ehinz.ac.nz/indicators/population-vulnerability/socioeconomic-deprivation-profile/ https://datafinder.stats.govt.nz/layer/92212-statistical-area-2-2018-generalised/

Northland Population Rates by Māori, Non-Māori and Pacific

  • This Northland maps show the population rates(in 100) on SA2 level by Ethnicity.
  • Select ethnicity from selection pane and explore the data.

Population by Ethnicity, Age Group and Gender

Māori Population

Pacific Population

Non-Māori Non-Pacific Population

Urban-Rural Northland

- This map shows Urban-Rural Northland by SA2 Area. - Click on SA2 areas to understand Personal Income

Data Source: Stats New Zealand

Urban-Rural Interactive Developed by the GCH research team at University of Otago and University of Waikato

Iwi and Marae in Northland

Northland Map showing Iwi, go through the below link

Northland Iwis Map

Northland map showing Marae, go through the below link

Marae in Northland Map

                         Created by: Te Tai Mahere Public Health Intelligence Team, Nga Tai Ora