Northland Health Strategy Project Update

Kia ora koutou katoa

The Project Team would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has taken the time to provide feedback and input into the development of the Northland Health Strategy.

Through workshops, hui and online feedback we have received extremely valuable input from our Northland Communities, health professionals and many other organisations and individuals.

The response via the online survey, which has been open since October 2019, has been fantastic. We plan to close this off at the end of February so there is still time left to submit your feedback here:

The project team will be working on collecting further input through to the end of February 2020.

Following on from the six Community Hui held at the end of 2019, we have two further Community hui planned for Kerikeri and Maungaturoto in February – details here:

Planning is also underway for three further clinical workshops in Whangarei, the Mid North and Far North.

Ngā mihi nui
Northland Health Strategy Project Team