Northland Health Strategy Project – June Update

Kia Ora Koutou Katoa

The project team managing the Northland Health Strategy are working hard to make up some lost time on the project due to the pandemic in recent months which saw resources diverted to support the health response.

Before the Level Four lockdown, the team had managed to complete the clinical workshops and community hui planned as a major component of input into shaping the strategy.  Online responses closed at the end of February.

The team received very rich feedback from the consultation hui and have worked on collating all the feedback received.  A document is being produced that will reflect the insights from everyone who has taken the time to attend an event or provide their feedback online.

Once we have compiled the draft Insights document, still very much a work in progress, we will load it onto this website and provided it back to contributors to check we have heard correctly.  We thank everyone who attended the hui and provided their input or took time to complete the online feedback.

We will load the Insights document on this website and Northland DHB Facebook page with a link to the document. We will also notify participants via email once it has been released.

The New Zealand Health and Disability System Review Final report has now been was released.  The Northland Health Strategy will be aligned with the National review in its final format though early indications are that they match closely in most regards.

For your reference if you have not already read it, the New Zealand Health and Disability System Review Final report can be found in a shorter executive overview or more comprehensive full format at this link:

Ngā mihi nui

Northland Health Strategy Project Team