Calderdale Framework

Northland’s first cohort of Calderdale Framework Facilitator trainees have been credentialed as Calderdale Framework Facilitators. There are eight credentialed Facilitators across Allied Health and District Nursing services.

A second cohort of Calderdale Framework Facilitator trainees have completed their initial training, and have begun implementing their projects. There are a total of 10 trainees across a number of disciplines including Physiotherapy, Psychology, Occupational Therapy, Nursing and Orthotics.

A number of Calderdale Framework Foundation Days have now been delivered in Northland. The Foundation Days are delivered by local Calderdale Framework Facilitators and provide participants with an understanding of The Calderdale Framework’s seven stages, along with the opportunity to simulate the use of the Calderdale tools. The day provides participants with a sufficient understanding to become local Calderdale champions.

The next Foundation Day will be delivered in February 2021.

Link to healthLearn website for facilitators.

Calderdale Framework Information Sheet