Who do I contact when I need help or have questions about Whānau Tahi?
Please see contact and support information here: https://community.northlanddhb.org.nz/HSCCP/whanau-tahi/user-guides/whanau-tahi-support-process/
I don’t have access to Whānau Tahi and would like to get access to be able to use it
If you are a patient/client/whānau member and you are wanting access to your Whānau Tahi Shared Care Portal, you will need to contact a member of your care team who will be able to activate this access for you. It is a quick process for them to do this and which will enable you to view and edit your Care-Plan and your Advanced Care Plan, or if you don’t have these, you are able to create one. The instructions on how your care team members can activate your access is found at http://community.experiens.co.nz/faq/?p=1538. Once they activate your access you will receive an email with the instructions on how to access the portal.
If you are a member of a care team and want access to be able to use Whānau Tahi to help in the care your patients/clients/whānau members, you will need to complete the access forms which are found at http://www.careconnect.co.nz/sharedcare/healthcare-providers/. You may not need to fill in all these forms so there are instructions of this page to guide you. Once completed you will need to forward the forms to the helpdesk at sharedcare@healthalliance.co.nz. They will contact you once your access is set up. This helpdesk will also be able to assist if you have any questions about this process either via this same email address or by phone at 0800 268 626.
What should go into a care plan?
The attached document will give you an explanation of the purpose of each of the fields in a Care Plan and can be used as a guide for what should be going into a Care Plan. It is important that what goes into the Care Plan is what the patient wants to have there, as it is their plan.
Whānau Tahi Care Plan Template
When I am in Medtech, why do I need to sign into Whānau Tahi for every patient especially when you don’t need to do that in other software systems?
Unfortunately this is only an issue with those practices that use Medtech Software. There is a project happening now to resolve this issue so you only need to sign in to Whānau Tahi once each day and to also automate the daily batch updates from Medtech to Whānau Tahi so they no longer need to be done manually. Whānau Tahi will be automatically updated throughout the day as changes are made to patient records in Medtech. This project should be completed near the end of 2019.
Who will get to see my Whānau Tahi record?
There are three groups of people who can access Whānau Tahi records:
(1) Members of the patient’s care team, (usually you would check with the patient before allocating yourself as a member of their care team)
(2) Clinicians or Administrators who have requested one off access such as when they are enrolled at a GP Practice or when a Clinician needs to access the patient Whānau Tahi record (an example being when a patients presents to the Emergency Department)
(3) Clinicians who are not a member of the patients care team or who haven’t requested one off access but have accessed the record summary through Concerto (used in the hospital) or through the patient dashboard in Medtech.
How do I stop access to Whānau Tahi for someone who has left our organisation?
Contact the Shared Care help desk at sharedcare@healthalliance.co.nz and request that the staff member who has left be inactivated in Whānau Tahi.
How do I update Whānau Tahi that a person has died?
Contact the shared care helpdesk at sharedcare@healthalliance.co.nz and inform them that the person has died. They will then inactivate their record in Whānau Tahi.
I want to communicate using Whānau Tahi – what information should I share and how do I ensure that messages are being received?
Recently a series of three workshops were held in Northland which focused on these questions and on how we could make use of messaging through Whānau Tahi. This link http://community.experiens.co.nz/faq/?p=1749 will take you to the document which has the outcomes from these workshops and is the basis we are using to establish messaging through the use of Whānau Tahi in Northland. The formatting we use for Whanau Tahi messaging is found at http://community.experiens.co.nz/faq/?p=1456.
Was patient consent given to create and access their Whānau Tahi record?
The consent to create and access Whānau Tahi records is a part of the consent process when a patient registers with their GP Practice. Although the consent process at that time often does not specifically state Whānau Tahi, the Whānau Tahi software is a part of the software used to enable the care of the patient by the GP Practice.