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Whānau Tahi-Single Sign On Update

Two issues were identified in December 2017 with the link between Medtech and Whanau Tahi. Despite funding secured in 2018 for a solution for both issues, the fixes have not been implemented. Ongoing effort has been made to progress this work to completion but as yet is still in progress.

Issue 1) When a Whanau Tahi patient record is accessed in General Practice through Medtech, the clinician needs to re-enter their username and password for each Whānau Tahi patient record opened. The solution for this issue is to store the users Whānau Tahi username and password in Medtech which would then be called when Whānau Tahi is invoked. This provides single sign on functionality for General Practice into Whānau Tahi.

Issue 2) Practices that use Medtech are required to manually send an update to Whanau Tahi daily. As this is a manual process, practices do not always carry out the daily update, resulting in out of date information in Whanau Tahi. The solution for this issue is to provide real time updating of Whānau Tahi as changes are made in Medtech.

The latest update on these changes is that efforts are being made by both Medtech and Whānau Tahi to have a solution in place for issue 1 by the first quarter 2021 and to have issue 2 completed by mid 2021.