• STEP 1 – Think about it
    • What is important to you?
    • What gives your life meaning?
    • Are there any treatments or types of care that you would or would not want?
    • Who would you want to make decisions on your behalf if you weren’t able to?
    • Do you have an enduring power of attorney*?
    • If there was a choice, how and where would you like to spend your last days?
  • STEP 2 – Talk about it

    Who would you like to share your thoughts with and to discuss this?

    • Family/whānau?
    • Your friends and loved ones?
    • Your GP, practice nurse, hospital specialists and health care team?
    • Your spiritual advisor?
    • Your enduring power of attorney?
    • Others?
  • STEP 3 – Make a record of your wishes

    Make a record of what’s important to you, what treatments you may or may not want and anything else you want others to be clear about.


    Having your wishes recorded can save the important people in your life and your health care team a lot of worry and concern if they have to make a decision on your behalf.


    There are guides you can download and use to record your wishes. There is also the online Whanau Tahi ACP portal you can use. There are web links to the guides at the bottom of this page. You can email acp@northlanddhb.org.nz for help on these and to get access to the online Whanau Tahi ACP portal.

  • STEP 4 – Share it

    Once you have written down or recorded what’s important to you and what you want to have happen, you may want to give a written copy or access to your online ACP to:


    • key family members/whānau
    • your GP Practice
    • members of your health care team
    • your enduring power of attorney (if you have one)
    • Others who are important to you.


    That way, they know what your wishes are if there ever comes a time that you cannot speak for yourself.

  • STEP 5 – Review it

    Review your Advance Care Plan regularly to make sure nothing has changed for you. If things change, update your plan and share your changes.


    When you record your wishes using the online Whanau Tahi ACP portal, you can update as often as you like. These changes are then immediately available to those you have shared your ACP with.

    Click here for additional information about these steps.

  • Want to know more?

    For more information, help or to get access to the Whanau Tahi Shared Care ACP portal, you can email acp@northlanddhb.org.nz


    Talk to your GP, practice nurse, specialist or health care team about ACPs and the medical choices you might have in the future.


    One you have gained access, to the Whānau Tahi Shared Care ACP portal (to enable you to create or update your own ACP online), click here to login.